Discover the zesty allure of Loison's Lemon Colomba, an exquisite pastry that undergoes a meticulous 72-hour artisanal journey. Its delicate, golden-hued dough is a testament to patience and craft and embraces a luscious infusion of "Siracusa IGP" lemon cream. Filled with candied lemon peel, it exudes an intense and enduring citrus essence, a tribute to its meticulous preparation.
The surface of this Lemon Colomba is veiled with a fragrant Italian almond glaze, embellished by whole almonds and a sprinkling of granulated sugar.
Presented in an elegant, hand-wrapped transparent packaging bearing the iconic Loison logo, this Colomba is adorned with a satin ribbon, showcasing its decadent ingredients label and a charm embellished with the revered "L" of Loison. Every detail exudes sophistication and craftsmanship, making Loison's Classic Colomba an indulgent delight that transcends time.
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